
Holy moly, it cannot be September already. [Enter cliche “the year has gone by so fast”]. But seriously, I can’t believe how fast it feels like my kids are growing and how slow all at the same time.

I took the day off from any and all school work today. I was T.I.R.E.D. I hustled hard Monday and Tuesday so I took today to just be super lazy and that’s exactly what I did. I took a long nap on the couch and I made boxed mac&cheese and chicken nuggets for lunch. I got a little more sophisticated with chicken, rice, and broccoli casserole for dinner. Minimal effort today man. I did the dishes twice and vacuumed my bedroom but other than that I did nothing. I needed it but now I’m feeling a little regret because I’m going to have so much to read tomorrow and Friday. I try to have everything done by Saturday’s so I can at least enjoy Sunday. I can go to church and not have to worry about needing to go home and do ANYTHING. I love that.

I’m also wondering how so many moms do SO much all the time. Or at least they make it seem that way. Meanwhile I’m over here struggling just to find the energy to brush my own teeth. I really think it’s my anxiety medicine, the second I started taking it my energy took a dive off the empire state building. I also only sleep maybe 3 hours each night which is basically torture. Laying in bed at 3 am wondering what the heck is wrong with me. I can never sleep anymore. It’s so annoying.

I have 120 questions of science homework, two quizzes, and a paper I have to do all before Sunday. Pray for me.

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